Stationary screening media solutions
Modular screening media

A versatile system for improved screening accuracy
When using our modular screening media the deck configuration is flat to allow the material bed to be rapidly and evenly distributed over the full width of the screen, increasing screening efficiency. For final screening, dam bars can be used to reduce the material speed and further increase screening accuracy.
The amount of fines carry-over is reduced by using modules with splitters. No blind areas along the material flow means less carry-over and more accurate screening.
The individual modules can easily be replaced for wear reasons or in order to change aperture size.
A pin and sleeve attachment system lock the modules safely onto sturdy steel profiles.
An adapter system that makes it possible to install cross-tensioned media on our modular decks is also available.
We offer modular screening media for a variety of applications and deck configurations.
Choose WN4000/5000 for fine screening in difficult conditions with feed lump size between 10-50 mm, WN6000/7000H for fine to medium coarse screening in dry applications with feed lump size between 20-150 mm and WN8000 polyurethane screening media in wet applications with feed lump size between 10-100 mm.
Choose Screenex® polyeuthethane or rubber (fire resistant also available) for a customized screening solution.
Whether you work wet or dry, with lumps or fines, no matter if your screening process is particle separation, product recovery, sizing, washing or dewatering, our expertise in supplying custom modular screening systems will guarantee you solutions that provide the best possible results.
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